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Online Personalised Assessments

What is a personalised assessment?

The purpose of these assessments is to find out children’s strengths and areas for further development so that their teachers can help them grow their skills.

After your child has completed a personalised assessment, their teacher can see feedback on their skills and progress which helps the teacher to plan the next steps for your child’s learning.

Schools will consider the most appropriate timing and methods for sharing information on learners’ reading and numeracy skills, including the feedback from personalised assessments. Schools are encouraged to share the information with parents and carers whilst the information is current, however some schools may decide to wait until later in the school year, for example at a parents evening, to discuss how your child is progressing based on feedback from one or more assessments and the teacher’s observations of your child’s learning.

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  • Personalised assessments are taken online and are adaptive, meaning that questions are selected based on the responses to previous questions. This provides a tailored assessment experience for each learner and will help all learners develop their skills through understanding what they can do, the things they may need to work on, and their next steps.
  • The assessments provide schools with information on the skills of individual learners, groups and whole classes.
  • There is no set time of year or ‘assessment window’ for personalised assessments, the timing is decided by the school.
  • Learners can take the assessments in small or large groups, depending on the school’s preferences and facilities.
  • Learners must do the assessments once during the academic year. Schools also have the option to use the assessment once more during the academic year.
  • Personalised assessments are a tool that schools can use as part of their wider assessment processes under Curriculum for Wales.