White Rose Maths
White Rose Maths has been influenced, inspired and informed by the work of leading researchers and practitioners from across the world. It is a Mathematic scheme that takes the main learning objectives from the national curriculum and breaks them down into teaching blocks across each term. Time is built in for Maths assessments and for recapping at the end of the term. The topics into which the curriculum is broken down are known as the White Rose small steps. White Rose Maths is taught using a concrete – pictorial – abstract (CPA) approach. During the concrete lessons, pupils use a range of physical resources to practically learn and understand the mathematical concept of that particular step. Once they have mastered this, they move on to the pictorial. This is a visual representation of the concrete whereby the pupils apply their knowledge to help answer questions. When this has been achieved, the final step of the process will take place – the abstract. During the abstract pupils independently apply their newly learnt skill to answer specific questions on the mathematical concept they are being taught.
Free WRM resources for home learning Parent resources | Maths workbooks | White Rose Education
Home learning platform (videos) for WRM. Please select relevant year group. Maths home learning | Home learning | White Rose Education
Timetable practice (will require pupil Hwb login) j2blast