Safeguarding Advice
Safeguarding Advice for All Visitors
Please help us to keep our pupils safe!
UNCRC: Article 19 “You should not be harmed, be looked after and kept safe!”
If you are visiting Llangiwg Primary School for the first time, the Head Teacher, Mrs S. Jones, extends a very warm welcome to you. Our primary objective is to create a school culture and environment where children are safe, happy and healthy.
Regardless of your purpose for being with us, we sincerely hope your experience is both enjoyable and fulfilling. We kindly encourage all first-time visitors to dedicate a few moments to reviewing the provided information, which is carefully developed in alignment with our safeguarding protocols.
At Llangiwg Primary School, we maintain robust child protection procedures founded on a clear policy to ensure the safety and well-being of our pupils.
All staff members are trained in our safeguarding practices and undergo child protection awareness training as per the guidelines set forth by the Local Authority. We take our responsibilities in this area very seriously and focus on:
- Preventing children from being neglected or abused
- Identifying signs and symptoms
- Recording incident, issues and concerns over time
Thank you for your understanding and commitment to helping us maintain a safe learning environment for all.
What does safeguarding include?
We are aware that safeguarding is an umbrella term and not just about protecting children from deliberate harm. It also includes:
- Pupils’ health and safety
- Attendance
- All aspects of behaviour such as bullying, racist and homophobic abuse, harassment and discrimination, both in school and travelling to and from school
- Use of physical intervention
- Meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions
- Providing first aid
- Safer Recruitment
- Meeting children's healthcare needs
- Drugs and substance mis-use
- Educational visits
- Online safety
- School security
- Radicalisation and extremism
Designated safeguarding persons: